Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 55 Plead

Mr. Fang was about to take the stairs when Zhang Liling came to him with her usual smiling face.

"Mr. Fang, your assistant dropped this form with me, he said you need to fill it, so I can pass it to the chef," Zhang Liling reported while showing the form to him.

Mr. Fang glanced at her briefly before going up the stairs. "What is the form about?"

Zhang Liling got that as a cue and immediately followed after him while explaining what the form was all about.

Since he didn\'t react when she finished speaking, Zhang Liling was smart not to say anything, and just followed him into his study.

Mr. Fang sat on his seat before telling her to put the form down.

"I don\'t have the time to look at the form now, you can put it on my desk and leave."

"It\'s just a questionnaire for the chef to know your palate, I will read it out for you since you don\'t have the time to go through it." Zhang Liling suggested, and then went on to read out the remaining unanswered questions on the form without waiting for his approval.

Mr. Fang found her pleasant voice annoying, and asked her to leave with a frown.

"Miss Zhang, leave the form on my table."

Zhang Liling saw that there was no smile on Mr. Fang\'s face, and hurriedly put the form down before leaving his office.

A soft sigh escaped her mouth as soon as she shut the door to his study. "Why does he have to be so difficult? He is not even leaving any leeway."

Zhang Liling was disappointed that she couldn\'t make any progress with Mr. Fang, but after thinking about it for a bit, she encouraged herself, as she still had more time to spend at his place.


At the Shu Family...

Shu Rushi was currently complaining to her father about Mr. Fang.

"Dad! You have to speak to cousin on my behalf. It\'s been 4 weeks since he banned from attending his classes, and we don\'t have much time till our final exams." Shu Rushi complained with a bittered expression on her face.

Mr. Shu frowned at her disturbance. "I have told you several times that I can\'t meddle in Bingwen\'s affairs. Why did you offend him in the first place, despite knowing what his character is like?"

Mr. Shu knew how care-free and stubborn his daughter was. He was also aware that it might be what caused her to be banned from attending Fang Bingwen\'s class.

Shu Rushi refused to give up and pulled her father by his shirt. "Dad, do you what\'s going to happen to me if I don\'t have up to 50% attendance on cousin Wen\'s course? I won\'t be allowed to sit for that course! Dad, you have to help me speak to him if you don\'t want me to fail that course and repeat my final year. I\'m sure you don\'t want to be made fun of, for your daughter repeating her final year in the university!"

Mr. Shu frowned and asked, "Is it that serious!" If things were as serious like she made it to be, then he will have to do something about it.

There was no way he would let his daughter to repeat her final year in college, and cause the whole family to be ridiculed by the society.

"Dad, if it wasn\'t serious, do you think I will be pestering you with every slightest opportunity?" Shu Rushi said with a big frown on her face. But deep in her heart, she was getting relieved that her father was finally showing signs of concern.

If it was before, he would only listen to her rant and wave it off thereafter.

Mr. Shu was calm for a moment before speaking up with furrowed brows, "Don\'t worry, I will speak to Bingwen right away. Even if he doesn\'t agree, I will find away around this matter so you will sit for the course during exams."

Since this concerned her future, he was going to do his best to make an appeal to Mr. Fang. If it wasn\'t so serious, and he asked Mr. Fang for help and gets rejected, he won\'t think of going that far.

If Mr. Fang says no, he would agree to that, and not do anything else about it.

Hearing her father say that he would speak to Fang Bingwen, she leaped for joy and hugged him.

"Daddy you are the best!" Shu Rushi screeched.

"Alright... Alright, I know I\'m the best, but you have to learn your lessons. Don\'t go around offending people and expect me to always help you out, especially Bingwen. Don\'t you know that you mustn\'t cross him?"

After giving her an assurance, he was now admonishing her.

Shu Rushi acted all innocent and pouted her lips, while trying to act childishly. "Dad, I know, and it\'s not my fault with the previous incident. I forgot we had his class an hour earlier, and ended up coming in the middle of his class."

That day, she had thought his class was by 10 am instead of 9 am, so she woke up on time to doll herself up. Her friends who were already in school, were impatiently waiting for her, while trying to reach her, but her number wasn\'t reachable, so they dropped her a text.

Rushi was checking herself in the mirror while applying a bright red lipstick when she heard a \'buzz\' sound from her phone.

She only picked up her phone to look at it when she was done smacking her lips twice. Seeing that it was a message from one of her friends, she smiled and thought they were urging her to come to school on time since the person they all admired was going to lecture them that day.

"Everyone admires my cousin and can\'t wait to see him already."

Clicking on the message with a proud smile on her face, she saw the content of the text, and her smile quickly fell. At first, she thought she had seen wrongly, but it turns out that her sight was still 100% accurate.

What Shu Rushi did, was to grab her handbag and rushed out of her bedroom while dialling her friend\'s line.

Shu Rushi literally flew down the stairs while answering the call, and was at the same time, shouting for the driver to send her to school.

Her friend had said in a whisper, "Rushi where are you?! Mr. Fang just stepped into the hall!"

Shu Rushi almost went mad when she heard that Mr. Fang was already in class, then at what time would she get there?

Mrs. Shu who was ordering the servants to in the kitchen to prepare brunch, heard the hurried footsteps and her daughter\'s loud voice and thought that something was happening, and so cane out.

"Rushi, what\'s going on?" The woman asked worriedly.

"Mum, I don\'t have time to talk to you now, bye!" Shu Rushi managed to reply before running out of the house. At least, she managed to give a reply instead of leaving directly.

On her way to NYU, she kept praying that Fang Bingwen would break his rules for her sake and let her in, because she was already late, and there was no way two ways about it, but unfortunately for her, her prayers were unanswered.

Not only was she asked to leave the class by Mr. Fang, he embarrassed her, and banned her from attending any of his classes from that time forth.

Shu Rushi who used to brag and claim she knew Mr. Fang personally, was so embarrassed that she ran home crying, forfeiting the other lecture she had next.

Thinking about what happened back then, she blamed herself for being foolish by forgetting the actual time for Mr. Fang\'s lecture, and not taking an emergency sick leave when she discovered it was too late to attend his class on time.

At least, an emergency sick leave was better than coming to class in the middle of lecture.

Mr. Shu glanced at her and sighed. "Look at you, not being serious with things that are linked to your cousin. You have to be very serious from now onwards!"

Mr. Shu made her promise him that she would be serious with her classes, and anything related to Fang Bingwen.

And of course, Shu Rushi agreed to it, as she would never want to get into Mr. Fang\'s bad books again.

After thanking her father, she left him alone to make the call. She didn\'t think she could stand the tension of Fang Bingwen probably refusing her father.

When she left, Mr. Shu took deep breaths, before picking up his phone from the side. He found Mr. Fang\'s contact and dialled it.

The attempts of trying to reach him on phone, failed thrice, but at the fourth time when he almost gave up, the call was answered.

Without waiting to hear Mr. Fang\'s voice, Mr. Shu spoke first with an endearing tone.

"Bingwen, it\'s your uncle, uncle Shu. I apologize for calling you by this time, hope I\'m not disturbing you?"

Mr. Fang glanced at the pile of his students\' booklets on his desk and frowned. Was he being disturbed? Of course he was, and felt so annoyed at the moment for being distracted right in the middle of work, by someone he didn\'t even want to listen to.

Moving his gaze from the booklets, he replied in his usual cold tone, "Uncle Shu, I am actually in the middle of an important work, but you can make your conversation brief."

Mr. Fang first let him know how busy he was, before giving him a limited time to speak, so that he wouldn\'t waste his time, because who knows the reason he was calling.

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