Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 619

I continued following Bashan, who kept moving forward. We eventually passed through several other guesthouses changing the path on multiple T-sections and crossroads. The deeper we got, the more lively the garden became. I saw strange, yet colorful birds flying from tree to tree, giant flowers and threes with red, purple, and even blue leaves.

It was really gorgeous there. Some houses were hidden among the plants. Some even had thick ivy covering them almost completely, others could be seen without any effort.

Bashan started talking about food, and it quickly turned into an exchange of descriptions of the favorite dishes between me and him. It was quite weird, as many of the words we used had no translations in our separate languages. This led to very weird situations where we had to try and explain it using some strange comparisons and descriptions.

All of that made me quite hungry.

Eventually, we managed to reach the main building. The garden cleared, revealing a massive, white dome-shaped structure with many windows and terraces which, were kinda ruining its spherical construction creating pockets here and there. It had four towers, and several smaller ones surrounding it irregularly. The left side had more structures than the right, probably because of the massive garden, and the guesthouses located there.

Further in that direction was also another giant structure. A stadium of some kind, which was very similar to a familiar to me football stadiums I knew back from home.

Bashan stopped, and turned to face ma, then with a grand gesture invited me to his home saying:

- Welcome to my estate. Please feel yourself at home.

There was a giant smile on his face, which made me also react in a similar way to him. I bowed, acknowledging the invitation.

- Thank you.

He repeated the gesture, and  waving his hand started repeating:

- This way, this way.

He led us to an entrance which was a big archway, clearly made with an intention to fit Druoag. There was a waiting space there with a massive table and chairs. One was very big, obviously for the monstrous alien.

After that was a proper entrance, which led to a massive hall. It was ending with a vertical, high wall with a terrace above. There were clearly two elevators on both sides of it, and also many corridors connected on both left and right sides.

There also were some strange art pieces there

I was taken to one of them, and we quickly arrived in a big room, although much smaller than the previous one. There were strange levitating platforms there. Quite decorative with chiseled patterns on the sides, some zigs, and zags. All of them were filled with dishes, plates, and other necessary stuff for eating which led me to figure out that those were some forms of tables.

Very fancy if you ask me.

There were also levitating chairs there. Clearly, so everybody could eat comfortably, despite the size. Several ones were big enough to gold creatures even as big as Druoag.

Along the walls was standing an army of waiters, ready to serve. Clearly slaves. I saw many unknown to me races and few familiar ones. For example, there was one person who looked quite similar to Sor, although he seemed to be male.

They had hoverboards prepared to use, to join us at the table, but none of them was using them, clearly waiting for a signal.

- Come, come! - Bashan kept repeating, and he quickly jumped one of the chairs.

Despite his previous words about his age, he seemed quite agile and full of energy.

Both me and Druoag followed his words, and also boarded the strange vehicles, which immediately took us to the platforms, and positioned themselves accordingly. Then Bashan gestured towards Atri, inviting them also. They joined us.

Then the host nodded towards the slaves waiting under the wall, and they all rushed to serve.

I looked around at the many colorful alien types of food. Some stuff looked quite familiar, for example, cooked meats, and some were very, very strange like some forms of jelly, and prepared creatures which I can only compare to some stuff from the bottom of the sea.

Bashan started pointing with his hand at what he wanted to eat, and the waiters and waitresses started serving. I followed this example, and my plate was filled with some strange stuff very quickly.

I had a form of a knife and some scissors-like stuff to grab the food instead of a fork. It took me a moment to figure out how to use it, which the host found quite funny, but eventually, I filled my stomach.

Bashan had to notice how hungry I was and didn\'t even try to engage me with conversation until I was full.

- I would love to now discuss the food with you, but I believe my friend was first to request a story exchange from you, so I\'ll excuse myself - he said smiling. - Maybe we can return to this conversation later this evening? I would also want to talk about your near future, as things will be clarified with the High Queen herself.

I took a deep breath, analyzing his words. There was some stuff I didn\'t really know how to react to, so I just ended up smiling.

- Let\'s talk later - I said.

- Oh, and also those three lovely Atri I acquired just for you. They know your native language and will help you find yourself in this new place. Use them wisely - he threw a joke at the end.

He then nodded and made his chair lower itself, to allow him to get off. Druoag and the three Atri did the same. Only I ended up being stuck in the air because I had absolutely zero ideas how to make that damn thing fly down.

To avoid complete embarrassment, I just jumped down, as nothing happened.

-  How about we talk in that lovely place by the entrance? - I proposed to the giant alien.

He smiled at me, showing his terrifying teeth, and nodded. He clearly found what just happened quite funny.. The three Atri did too, but they bit their lips to not show anything.

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