Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 5

Until the very morning, I stayed awake. Every noise, even the softest one, would make adrenaline rush through my veins. I was never so afraid in my entire life up till this moment, but the night passed, and the sun rose. With noises outside indicating that others started to move around, I also had to get up. It was painful. Every part of my body hurt like hell, fortunately, the worst moment passed relatively quickly, and it became bearable.

I sneaked from my hideout and made it to the device. People were walking around and talking. Nobody was leaving our small gathering spot alone. I discovered very fast that there were no deaths during the night, which would indicate that killing didn\'t bring any points to the killer, but for such assumptions, it was still too early. Probably, with all the fuss yesterday next kills were too risky. Everybody was cautious.

Then Aisha appeared from nowhere.

- Hey! Where did you disappear? I thought somebody got you. There are killers around, so we need to stick together.

- Yeah… So-sorry.

- Come here - She grabbed my hand and pulled me to a more secluded place.

A thought, that maybe she wants to get me, appeared in my mind, but it vanished very quickly since she stopped soon. In place a few steps further, where nobody could hear us if we whispered, but we still could see people.

- Bill wants to check what\'s outside the gate, in the forest. We told a few people about what we discovered. Not some shady randoms, but legit guys. Some of them went ahead, and we are going soon too. Will you join us?

,m - I… No, sorry.

My first thought was that it\'s a trap, so I refused.

- I\'m not feeling too well today. I\'m gonna stay.

- Ok, I understand. Be careful

And she really did. Her expression told me that she knew I was lying because I was afraid either of her group or others who were supposed to join. At that moment I had a thought, to apologize, and to go with her, but in the end, I didn\'t say a thing. Maybe if I did, things would go in a different direction. Maybe…

I spend the rest of the day starving, collecting wood, and making sure that at least a couple of people are around me at any moment. It was a long day. When the night finally started approaching, Aisha\'s group came back with news. Apparently, we were not the only ones around. They discovered green creatures in the woods, armed with primitive weapons. When approached they attacked, so there was a small battle. Fortunately, nobody died on our side. On the other hand, all of the creatures were killed.

- And when I smashed Its head with my club, the whole thing turned to smoke, and only this was left of it - Said some guy.

I say some because at that point I didn\'t know his name, but he was an important person that managed to leave his name on the pages of our history, as the "First Killer". His name was Mihael.

- Take a look - He showed us a small cristal. It was long but thin. Looked like it was made of glass. - We think it might have something to do with the device - He continued.

And that\'s how experiments started. They tried to put those crystals into the device, touching it with them in their hands. Focusing on them and many other things, some were pretty stupid.

Finally, a girl or maybe I should say \'the girl\' proposed that we put the crystal where bought items appear, on the symbols. She also made a name for herself in our history as "the Discoverer\'\'. Her real name was Marcella.

The idea itself was logical, in opposition to some proposed earlier, so Mihael went for it. It didn\'t work. Why? Well… simply because something was still missing, but Mihael found what by himself, by just putting his hand on the device. Cristal vanished. It looked like it melted, and then the \'First Killer\' laughed loudly. Why? Because he just earned a hundred points.

That moment went in history as: "Discovery and the First Score\'\'. It became the first day of our calendar. That night we had a party, like killings from yesterday never happened. We sang songs and danced around the bonfire. Nobody saved their points. We filled our stomachs with meat, baked potatoes, corn, and sweet fruits. At the more or less right moment, I sneaked out to my hideout.

Tomorrow was supposed to be a big day. I was gonna hunt for the first time. The excitement was incredible, I couldn\'t stop thinking about possibilities. I felt like I\'m in paradise.

Thoughts of somebody walking behind me to murder me in the darkness, despite yesterday\'s events, never crossed my mind. Fortunately for me, it didn\'t happen. With a full stomach, I lied on the ground and tried to sleep.. At first, it was hard, but then exhaustion took over and the day ended with 48 points left.

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