Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1200 - “Ning Yu’s Plan (3)”

She…. doesn’t believe me?

Growing bittersweet on the face over the thought.

Perhaps… me not telling her about Ning Yuan is the right choice. After all, compared to them who has stayed with her all these years, I am still just a stranger.

Suddenly, a hand gentle lands onto Bai Yan’s shoulder, causing her to stiffen up and look up.

Ning Yu’s touch of had anger disappeared following that gesture, replaced only by the look of dismay and surprise over her Auntie Ning’s behavior.

“You think I favor this girl just because of her face being similar to me?” Bai Ning spoke mildly like the whole thing didn’t affect her in the least, “That’s not true. I like her because she gives me a very comfortable feeling like someone I know in the past and not because of her face.”

Ning Yu’s heart trembled at that. Pursing her lip until blood’s almost seeping out: “But Auntie Ning, her biological mother is already knocking at the door, I’m only saying that because I’m afraid of you being deceived by her.”

“Biological mother?” Bai Ning said it with such sarcasm that it’s vicious sounding. Turning to the madam in question, “You say you are her real mother, where’s your evidence? Do you have some sort of method to prove your blood relationship with my goddaughter? How about we test the matter by mixing your bloods and see? Humph, I’m not going to believe some random stranger’s claim just because they say so.”

Towards the seething glare of the woman’s eye, the impersonating madam instinctively cowered and fell into a panic. She was only instructed to act out the role and never given any proof to make the case. What’s more, testing the issue by mixing their blood would be a dead giveaway!

Gritting the teeth, the madam knew she had to get unreasonable to get through this: “Mixing our blood can’t prove anything, that pill doesn’t just change the appearance, it also changes her body’s makeup. Also, I have no enmity with her, why would I frame her? What benefit do I gain?”

The logic brought on another wave of agreeing nods from the crowd.

Though it’s not a common occurrence to change one’s body makeup with a medicinal ingredient, but there has been recorded cases in the past history books. Therefore, the liability of proof now falls back onto Bai Yan’s lap.

Despite this fact, Bai Ning didn’t budge and reached down with her hands to hold onto her nervous daughter’s hand. The act brought warmth to Bai Yan’s heart and she never felt so protected before.

Genuinely smiling, Bai Yan now has the courage to step up: “Mother, I can handle this matter myself, thank you for believing in me. I… will be sure to give you satisfactory answer.”

For her own sake, and her mother here, this lady who has never known to be the receiver of motherly love has finally awakened to the bond.

“You said I’m conniving after my mother’s power?”

The middle-aged madam swiftly nodded, “That’s right, you are after her strength.”

“Oh, in that case, why don’t you tell me the so-called powers behind her? I’m curious and want to know.” Crossing her arms, her stance was casual and strong.

The demand forced the madam back again. Going slightly white in the face, the imposter had to thank Ning Yu for conceiving this scenario ahead of time. “This woman is able to call upon a demonic beast wielding strength superior to that of a High Divine, that’s why you are trying so hard to get close to her. You want to control that creature.”

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