Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 171 - Follow Behind Me

Chapter 171: Follow Behind Me

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The light was in her eye, and she couldn’t see his face. She could only vaguely see that he had a defined face and a cold expression.

The man had short black hair. Sweat covered his army top, which made his shirt stick closely to his compact pecs and abs. He had the bottom of his shirt tucked into his army pants, and a mixture of mud and blood covered the bottom of his army boots.

“Your name is Lin Nuan?”

The man spoke her mother tongue, surprisingly. His deep, resonating voice sounded both solacing and authoritative in that land that reeked of death.

Lin Nuan nodded her head in surprise.

“I came here to pick you and Lu Jiangsi’s child up.”

He raised his rifle with one hand and tossed the army suit, bulletproof vest, and helmet to her feet and signaled her to put them on.

The battle was over yet they still had no idea where the armed opposition was—who knew whether one would suddenly emerge out of nowhere and take her life.

Lin Nuan didn’t budge. After a long pause, she said sheepishly, “My feet are numb. I can’t stand up.”

After the frightening incident, Lin Nuan’s whole body suddenly relaxed, and her muscles ached and trembled severely.

He reached out to hold her sweaty, shaky hand and lifted her up.

He had thought she put her finger in the kid’s mouth since she was afraid it would cry out loud.

Yet when she took her finger out its mouth, he then realized she had cut her finger and was feeding the child.

The baby hadn’t eaten anything for hours after he left the mother, and even his cry was weak. In such dire circumstances, it was the only solution Lin Nuan could think of.

Fu Huai’an still recalled how shocked he felt in that moment, witnessing a scene like that.

Weeds covered Lin Nuan’s head, and she still looked desperately in shock. Her dirty face looked pale underneath. With an overly large helmet and army suit on her, she held the baby close to her chest and passed the bulletproof vest back to him. She looked at him with trusting eyes and said, “You need this more than I do…”

Fu Huai’an was shocked for a moment. He then took the vest and put it on both Lin Nuan and the baby. He simply said, “Follow behind me.”

After they arrived safely at the square, the government army had already taken over the area.

Lin Nuan heard from a special forces soldier named Qin Zhe that Lu Xiangsi wasn’t dead and that he still was barely alive by the time they reached the Jiang Factory. She begged their leader to find Lin Nuan and her kid. It was a perfect coincidence since their leader was there specifically to save her.

After negotiating with the government army, Fu Huai’an took the child from Lin Nuan. As he was going to take the army’s helicopter to bring the child to Lu Xiangsi in the airport, Lin Nuan suddenly grabbed the corner of his shirt.

“I can’t communicate with their armed forces. Could you help me ask them whether the survivors from the T-324 flight have been sent to the Saladin Governorate in Tikrit City for emergency rescue?”

Since the moment she stepped on Iraq’s land, Lin Nuan hadn’t shed a single tear. Yet she couldn’t hold it back as she was tugging on his shirt.

Fu Huai’an held the baby in his arms, his face covered in army paint. He looked at the clear features under her dirty face with his deep gaze. Under those clear eyes, he seemed to catch a glimpse of immense sorrow—it was a dry, lifeless land underneath.

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