The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 167 - Union Head

Currently in Hanson office.

As the conversation between Hanson and Danzel came soon to an end.

Hanson de-activated the magic tool, he sighted out loud with a sigh right after.

"Sigh...why does he have to make such a difficult request?" Hanson shook his head in defeat.

At first, when he heard that he wanted to get some books about magic, he didn\'t think much of it.

Since out of all the younger kingdoms, the Arcana kingdom could be very well said to have the most advantage magical knowledge with more than one mage of the highest tier.

The so-called kings of magic. 


With such beings controlling the nation with dozen more archmages.

The topic of magic has been an advantage to an incredible level.

Considering that fact, finding books with the topics of magic was although rather expensive for the everyday Joe, it wasn\'t that of a rarity.

Of course, the price went based on the topic in the book.

With the commonly known basic elements being on the cheaper side and the more rare ones such as dark, light or even dimension magic were way more than simply twice the price.

But in the end, you just needed enough gold coins and connections to acquire such things.

Daniel had enough of both of those.

What made it difficult to follow that request though was the type of book that Danzel wanted.

"How am I supposed to find something like this?" Hanson cursed to himself remembering what Danzel asked for him.

One of the forbidden magic schools, a book containing information about Death magic.

A Necronomicon.

"It was already bad forming a partnership with an undead..." Hanson complained internally.

Though he didn\'t regret his decision.

His receiving more support and getting out of that rat hole he consider Nercana to be, couldn\'t have been possible be achieving without Danzel.

"I got to find a solution for thi-" 

As Hanson was making up plans for the future, his communication device showed for a moment, taking him by surprise.

"Who could it be? A client?"

Taking the device to his hand, the next moment the voice of a man comes out of the device.

"Am I speaking with sir Hanson?" The man asked.

"Yes, who might be asking?"

One of the problems with the small communication enchantment in the crystal was that although it could receive multiple signals from different devices. Knowing who suddenly was calling you was a mystery to the receiver.

"Excuse for calling so suddenly sir Hanson. I am under the orders of the Union Head order call your presence on the Headquarters in the Arcana Kingdoms capital. The Union head specifically said to drop all your current work and meet him as fast as possible in his office. That will be all."

Right as the man stopped talking, the glow in the crystals faded, taking Hanson in surprise.

"Wha- Did he really just hang up on me? By this voice, he must be the one attending the Union Head..."

As he just swallowed a bitter pill down, Hanson grumbled to himself.

`If the Union Head really called for me, then refusing might as well call my doom...´ 

With a huge pressure to be put on his shoulders, he removed all his plans of today including that of Danzels and grabbed his communication crystal.

"Hey Amatha, cancel all my previews plans of today, including the training of the kids. Something urgent happend."

"Huh? Sir Hanson? What might you b-"

Closing the device mid-Amatha sentence, the dark mana around went through his shadow and made them the next moment they appear to come in life.

"Let´s hope it isn´t anything important..." Sinking slowly through the shadows, Hanson went out of the building where his office was and traveled in high speed through the shadows to a certain location.

Going through the very shadows pass the people, those who saw the shadow thought that a bird flew above them, casting the shadow. Unbeknownst to them that someone capable to kill them with a blink of an eye was under their feet.

Reaching a huge building owned by the Merchant Union, Hanson dodged all the guards without them realizing and passed through a hidden path by the small gaps that it had.

With his shadow going down the stairs, Hanson\'s shadow stopped right in front of a luxurious yet sturdy door that had many enchantments.

Having his shadows rise up and form Hanson\'s body, he went through one knee, staring to the ground.

"Hanson Tenshikage, response to the Union\'s head call..." Hanson said out loud with his gaze still staring at the ground.

Only to receive silence in return.

Yet Hanson still stayed in that position as he knew that the person behind the door must have heard him.

Although he was someone who was about to reach the higher realm of power that was the 4th-tier who passed through the security that the headquarters of the union had offered, he knew his limits.

Soon after, the door was opponent by an aged man wearing a butler uniform.

Both the man and Hanson exchanged glances for a split second before Hanson went into the room.

Once he did, a huge pressure befell on top of him by the sheer presence of the man in front of him.

But that didn´t surprise Hanson, what surprised him was another weaker yet more malicious aura that was coming from another person who robes.

"Thanks for responding to my call, Hanson. You might come in." The man excluding the huge pressure said to Hanson who the latter followed.

The Union Head, in other words, the one holding the most authority between hundreds of merchants who sold from everyday items to treasurers all around the world, except the abandoned lands.

Such a person would one expect to be more of a businessman wearing a fancy suit and fancy looks.

But that couldn´t be more wrong.

Instead, he was a man with a body that seemed to be sculpted after the god of war, refined muscles that seemed and were harder than most metals. The upper part of his body was fully exposed with few accessories such as a necklace with the highest tier of enchantment.

Having sandy blonde hair, the man who was master of the huge merchant Union lowered his aura so that Hanson wouldn´t feel pressured.

Hanson secretly thanked the Union head, as the closer he went, the more powerful the pressure was becoming.

Going beside the man with the brown-black cloak, he was for a moment surprised by the man\'s appearance.

Hiding in the hoodie of the cloak, was an aged man\'s face with brown skin.

His bald head was covered with tattoos while his mouth was covered with ragged brown bandages. But the most eye-catching part was the man\'s white pupils in his eyes, which was similarly seen by blind people.

But his were crystal clear with and by what Hanson noticed, very well able to see. Although not sure how well.

Seeing Hanson\'s curiosity or wariness, the Union Head explained.

"Hanson, this man here is a member of the `that´ council. As he did a favor of mine, I would like to hear his request. It´s about the guy that you found not long ago."

Hearing that, Hanson got cold sweat running through his back.

He observed the aged man from the bottom till his head while cursing internally.

Not showing his distress, he turned around and looked at the one wearing a robe.

"And what would that request be? As I already informed the Union Head of my situation, any information considering the identities of the runesmiths can´t be said...Unless the Union Head so wishes so, of course."

Shaking his head, the man with the white eyes turned and shook his hand.

"I ain´t interested into learning who made those runes. In the first place, I don´t represent the council. I merely halted with my party here to resupply. That´s when I heard a rumor of a runesmith able to increase the total mana amount of a crystal. So my visit here is more to ask to put such a rune in that crystal."

Appearing out of nowhere, a huge dark crystal large enough to be of an adult\'s head.

"Would it be possible on this crystal?"

Staring at the sheer size and quality of the crystal, Hanson gulped without realizing.

"I...don´t know. I got to ask the runesmith first to confirm. And although he indeed knows how to make such a rune. He said that he lacks practice of it, making the addition mana...compared to the size of this crystal seem nothing. After hearing you still wish to ask him to put the runes?"

"Yeah, as long as it´s finished this week and the rune is as the rumor goes. I don´t care how small the effect is."

Hanson stared for a moment at the Union Head before taking the huge crystal.

"Then...I would deliver as fast as possible..."

Feeling a huge amount of mana inside the crystal, Hanson frowned.

`This mana...´

After staying there to discuss the details with the Union Head and the cloaked figure.

In the blink of an eye, two weeks of carving runes into chest plates had passed.

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