Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 346 Discussion [1]

"Oh really? I don\'t think so," I replied as I walked toward the table. 

"Here have a seat," he stated, pointing toward the two chairs that were placed on the other side of the table. 

"Why thank you. But you didn\'t need to say that, I was going to sit anyway," I said as I took a seat in front of him. 

"Ouch, at least try to hide your hostility," he commented. 

"I don\'t see a reason to do so," I answered. "Aside from that, why did you call me here?" 

"What? And here I thought that you might have a lot of questions since this place is completely new to you. I just wanted to help you, you know," he said with a smile, the type that got on my nerves. 

"Quit joking around, I know you won\'t call me for just that reason. Tell me the truth," I stated. 

"You\'re no fun, are you? It wouldn\'t have hurt to have a little chat."

"Apparently, I don\'t seem to have the time for it. State your business."

"Fine, fine. Honestly, kids these days are so rigid," he sighed. 

"But it\'s true, really. I don\'t have any ulterior motives as you are expecting me to. I called you here because as a teacher at this academy, there are certain things I have to inform you of."

"And what those might be?" 

"You\'re aware that you still aren\'t officially a student at Silver Garden, right?" he said while he opened a drawer and took something out of it.

It was a card which he then hurled toward me. Raising my hand I caught it and looking at it I saw that it was an ID card. 

Or well, my ID card from the Silver Garden Academy. All the information mentioned on the card was exactly the same as the one I got in the Zaforths Academy, but the layout of it was different. 

\'Wait a second,\' I thought to myself as I was looking through it. Then I noticed that not all information was the same, there was something else that was different—other than the layout. 

"Why am I a student of class 1A?" I asked, looking at Ryfin. As I asked that question a big smile covered his face—or perhaps a grin would be the better word to define it. 

"That\'s a good question. You see, during the time you were sleeping after getting treated by the healers I took the moment and registered you as a student of this academy—that\'s why you have that ID card right now," he said, pointing toward the card. 

"But here at Silver Garden, a new exam was added when all the other students were enrolled after getting teleported here. It was a reevaluation exam."

\'Ah, Anya did mention an exam like that,\' I thought. 

"The exam was to determine the value of each student and resign their classes based on how much they are worth. All the students from the four academies took the exam and new classes were given to them based on their power level and strength," he explained. 

"And? Where do I fit into all this? I don\'t remember taking an exam like that," I said. 

"Yeah, you didn\'t. It was me who assigned you this class."


"I said I\'m the one who put you in class A."


"Why you ask? It\'s because I wanted to."

"And why you wanted to?" 

"Because now that things have been serious, I\'ve been assigned as the homeroom teacher of class 1A. There are a lot of interesting students in this class, both the old ones and the new ones. I just thought that having you deal with those students would be entertaining and fun to watch."

"That is your reason!" I said, rather loudly. I was a little enraged after all. From the way he said that it was like he was treating me as a source of entertainment. Although I did end up calming myself down afterward. 

\'It\'s not something worth getting angry over. Getting into class A shouldn\'t really be an issue now,\' I said inwardly after giving it some thought. 

After all, the whole reason I\'d avoided getting into class A was to avoid gathering attention toward myself, and at that point, I didn\'t know that this world was based on loli_pop\'s novel. 

Now that those things were cleared out and I didn\'t really have any problem interacting with the main cast and getting some unwanted attention, getting in class A perhaps wasn\'t a problem. 

In fact, it might prove to be helpful since I could keep watch on Akumi—as he was in the same class. 

"Say Zero, do you know the purpose of this new academy?" Ryfin asked, looking at me. 

I actually knew due to information in the novel but I decided to play dumb here. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"You see, the attack of the demons was something that was already predicted by us. That\'s the reason all four academies were established—to find ways to fight against the demons and search for candidates who could fight from the side of humanity when the time came for it.

"And now that this disaster is upon us, all four academies were merged together along with all the strong students in them. So what I really want to say is, the main purpose of Silver Garden is to create a team of heroes who can fight for humanity," he explained. 

"So all the students in class A are potential candidates for being a hero?" I added. 

"Exactly!" he said, snapping his fingers. 

"Do you want to make me one?" I asked. 

"Well, it certainly would be interesting to see you playing one."

"I won\'t. You know that well," I said. "I am no hero."

To that reply, he chuckled a little.

"You don\'t get to decide for yourself whether you are a hero or not, that is something the world decides for you. If the world wants you to be a hero, then you will be a hero irrespective of whether you want that or not."

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