Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 8 - 7

Ji Wen especially found this amusing and said, "Haha..... I knew you wanted to have a look," as he leapt up in the air avoiding the rubble from the crumbling building.

Ji Yao ignored him as he swung his sabre in an arc blasting the vipers with minimum effort.

The moans and grunts from earlier turned to screams of horror with some of the curious half-dressed guests peeking out to take a look. The proprietress of the establishment came out cussing as she stepped on the rubble looking for the culprit.

She cursed the culprit\'s ancestors ten generations over only to abruptly shut her trap when she saw the handsome Ji Wen grinning at her with a condescending smile. Her mind went blank on the spot as she forgot to cuss choosing to bait herself a man instead.

"This fine gentleman..... how, how can I help you?" she asked batting her eyelashes like they were going to fly away in the next second. To be exact, they were flapping like wings ready to take off. She shyly played with her hair like a professional flirtist, get it? Flirt-ist.... never mind.

Anyways, she was flirting like a sugar baby auditioning for a new sponsor. Ji Wen was clearly not interested, not because he had a high moral compass but because his wife broke him. After being with such a divine goddess for years he found that no one else could move his heart. She ruined him then ditched him after that.

"My son broke it," he said trying to cut off this senseless conversation before it takes a turn for the worst.

The lady flipped her hair back and said, "Hahaha..... that won\'t be a problem handsome. The father can take responsibility for his son\'s actions," before she took a step forward looking like an enchantress on the prowl.

Ji Wen, "..."

"Hey! Ah-Yao, hurry up and finish him... we don\'t have all day," he yelled before leaping up to the roof running away from the woman who was sending air kisses in his direction.

"Don\'t rush me," replied Ji Yao now facing a six-meter long serpent after the shredded ribbons combined to form this monstrosity.

Ji Wen had noticed his father talking to the proprietress like a dad flirting with a soccer mom at his son\'s game instead of watching him. Just that in this case it was the opposite. The soccer mom seemed determined to get laid which meant he was forced to act as the third wheel and rescue his father.

"Yes, yes I know but we really don\'t have all day. Gut its eyes out and get it over and done with," explained Ji Wen not patient enough to wait for his son to figure it out himself. Normally he would let him learn from the experience but he didn\'t want to be here any longer than he had to.

The man\'s brow furrowed but he didn\'t have enough time to think it through when his serpent was suddenly beheaded and its eyes burnt to a crisp in an instant. Because he was slow to react he found himself laying on the filthy ground after being hit by an explosive force.

When he opened his eyes Ji Yao was looking down at him with the youth\'s foot on his chest. Faced with such an enchanting face carved by the goddess of beauty, the man\'s eyes turned to dollar signs calculating how much the nobles would pay for such a feisty beauty.

Because Ji Yao was fighting just now he didn\'t take note of his environment. Once the adrenaline wore off the rotting smell coming from the pit nearby assaulted his senses making his eyes sting. He lifted his arm to cover his nose as his face scrunched up into an ugly expression.

"I can\'t... I fuckin can\'t," he said withdrawing his sabre from the man\'s neck intending to run as far away as possible from this place otherwise he was going to die from this rotten stench. He was truly considering burning his whole attire when he gets to the ship.

Just as he turned to leave, the man who had suddenly found freedom raised his hand with sharp nails intending to scratch Ji Yao and transfer the venom from his fingers to make the boy pass out but his throat was suddenly strangled as he was slammed against the wall creating a huge dent.

He was so frightened that his eyes transformed back to that of a regular human as he stammered, "I, I, I didn\'t mean it. You mis-misunderstood."

"Misunderstood what Huang She? Huh?...," said Ji Wen who had suddenly dropped the playful attitude he had earlier and replaced it with a terrifying existence that no one would dare face head-on. The air around him was violently stirred up as grey clouds gathered in the once sunny skies.

The beast within had been awakened as half of his Nocru bloodline took over. Anyone who knew Ji Wen would know to stay clear of Ji Yao if they treasure their lives. He might be half human half Nocru but his Nocru bloodline made pure breeds who came in when their worlds merged terrified of him.

A loud clap of thunder startled Huang She as he looked up to the sky in fear. He had made the Lord of thunder angry because of his inherent greedy nature.

Ji Wen smacked his face three times as he said, "Look at me... Misunderstood what? Answer me..... what did I misunderstand," his fierce eyes glaring deep into Huang She\'s soul like he would rip it out of him at any moment. 

In this state, it was obvious what he planned to do to this insignificant life form which is why Ji Yao stopped him. With his arm still covering his nose, Ji Yao said, "Don\'t.... you still need him," while holding the wrist that was strangling Huang She.

Ji Yao would love to kill this man as well but he had to restrain himself because whatever his father needed from Prince Rui\'s Pavillion, it must be important.

Ji Yao had to squeeze his father\'s wrist twice to get his attention as it was difficult for the man to extricate himself from the berserk mode he was currently in. The grey clouds simmered down as they slowly vanished into thin air.

A smirk crept up Ji Wen\'s face as he dragged the man by his neck while saying, "Show me the fuckin way!" in a domineering tone.

Ji Yao knew it was best to shut up when his father was in this kind of state so he silently followed behind.. When he passed by the proprietress who was about to speak to his father he tossed her a bag of gold and kept walking.

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