Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 290 To The Crouch Again

After hearing all that, Carla was speechless, and it was speechless because she was completely speechless.

Now she was thinking about her decision.

Of course, if we talk about the original plan, it should be the same as Bella had said, that she would help her.

However, somehow right now the feeling of wanting to be selfish was very strong.

For the first time Carla realized that she had the possibility of betraying her own best friend for her own benefit.

It seemed horrible but it was real.

And Bella knew what Carla was thinking when she saw her silent expression.

She wondered if she too would have a selfish side if she were in Carla\'s current position.

Fortunately, Carla is still a woman who has more good sides.

She forcefully put away her selfish side, then stepped towards Bella with a wry smile.

"Sorry, I couldn\'t control my emotions earlier," she said.

She sat down beside Bella and stared directly at her back.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

Suddenly now she was worried that her previous attack had hurt Bella. After all, the latter had a weak physique before she became a magus.

Even she who had a strong physique would definitely be injured if her back was hit by a tree trunk.

Bella shook her head, lifting her shirt up slightly to reveal her back to Carla.

"It doesn\'t hurt at all, I\'m already much stronger physically," she replied.

"Still, I\'m glad you still want to be friendly with me."

Carla pressed her lips together at that. She still felt guilty for her.

"By the way," Bella continued. "How does it feel to make love, is it very enjoyable?"

The question instantly made Carla\'s face and neck turn red.


Arthur really didn\'t know what had happened to the two girls.

When he arrived at the highway sidewalk, he saw Amanda waiting, standing next to her Black Lamborghini.

She was wearing long jeans with a white shirt while her hair was in a ponytail.

Her figure attracted the attention of all passersby whether they were men or women.

Some men even tried to approach her but had to leave with a frown as Amanda responded to their greetings with a dismissive expression.

When she saw Arthur, the woman finally smiled.

Arthur didn\'t know what was going through her head. She suddenly walked up to him and once in front of him, she hugged him and kissed him.


The scene instantly excited the people around.

The men who were teasing her earlier almost fell down as they lost their balance.

They initially thought that she was an overly proud woman, an extreme feminist activist.

Unfortunately it was not like that.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that she is a woman who has a very deep obsession with a man.

After breaking the kiss, the woman smiled at Arthur.

"I guess I was a bit frustrated at not seeing you for two days, please forgive the act, my dear, but it really eased my mind." She said.

Her reasoning made Arthur not know whether to laugh or cry.

For now, he was uncomfortable with people\'s gazes, so he pulled her away while saying, "let\'s go!"

Amanda laughed softly.

She then walked towards the driver\'s door.

In no time, her Lamborghini was zooming down the highway, leaving people with jealous expressions.

The term that the beautiful one belongs to the handsome one popped into their heads again.

After all, the beautiful woman was driving a Lamborghini while the man was just walking, people could guess the difference in their backgrounds.

But, that doesn\'t seem to hinder their relationship at all.

In the car, Arthur said, "by the way, let\'s go to Rose\'s place."

Actually, Amanda called him for no apparent purpose because there was really no schedule today.

The coffee factory had already started operations, but Amanda only planned to introduce their products tomorrow.

Hearing the purpose Arthur spoke of, Amanda curled her forehead.

"Why are we going there?" she asked.

Of course, she didn\'t really like coming there in the current situation, after all, it would make her time alone with Arthur interrupted.

The latter replied, "I have things to take care of, from people to money."

All the researchers they had captured were brought to the church.

Arthur of course had no interest in visiting them except for Alice.

However, there was one thing that made him really want to go there.

It was the research data. Rose had just told him that she had started talks with several countries.

Since Arthur had things he needed to take care of there, Amanda had no other choice but to follow his wishes.

Plus, she was immediately curious because Arthur was talking about taking care of money.

On the way there, Arthur flipped through the news, looking to see if there was any news about Grayson.

Unfortunately, there was no news at all until now.

He didn\'t know if the man had not been found or if the military had deliberately hidden him.

It also didn\'t matter as long as they couldn\'t find any trace of him.

It didn\'t take long before Amanda\'s car arrived in front of the church.

It looked deserted, maybe apart from Rose, the others were sleeping while those who weren\'t went to do something in the city.

It was Amanda\'s first time coming here, she couldn\'t help but ask, "the gold is here, right?"

As a woman, it was impossible not to interest her.

Arthur smiled and nodded.

"Let\'s go there," he said as he opened the door beside him.

They then entered the church, quickly spotting Rose sitting in front of a laptop.

"Boss!" She waved her hand to Arthur but only smiled slightly when she saw Amanda.

"How is it now?" Arthur asked her.

"Those countries are offering different prices, the highest is 500 Million Dollars. However, China is only willing to buy 100 Million Dollars, they don\'t seem very interested."

"That doesn\'t matter, sell it for whatever they are willing to buy it for." Arthur didn\'t really care because he just wanted the money.

Rose nodded and looked at her laptop again.

"What exactly are you guys selling?" Amanda was surprised that they were talking about hundreds of millions of dollars, so she couldn\'t help but be curious.


Here, I\'m promoting another novel of mine that I\'m sure you\'ll like. You can search for the title in the webnovel search.

(I Can Peek Inside Every Place And Even Record It)

Ciel reincarnated into a cultivation world, a vast world full of wealth and beauty.

However, he finds life as a reincarnator is not as easy as he imagined.

In all his years of cultivation, he was never able to live like the main character. There was no day without suffering until one day, he obtained one of the Legendary Nine Heavenly Treasures - the Eyes of Heaven.

With those eyes, he could peer anywhere, through any wall and formation. Most importantly, no one could detect it.

Filled with excitement, he boldly peeked into the palace of the Ice Goddess, which had recently been frequented by the Elf Queen.

What did he find?

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