System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 51 A New Beginning

As David lay on the ground, unconscious and fully naked his dick coiled with satisfaction, a sense of tranquility graced his face. Unaware of his surroundings or his own condition, he remained peaceful.

Little did he know that his body and face had undergone a transformation, courtesy of the blessings bestowed upon him by the Goddess of Beauty. Though his face appeared unchanged at first glance, a subtle radiance now emanated from within, he had become more handsome than ever.

Meanwhile, in the background, the system he had received from the Goddess of Sex was undergoing a profound upgrade to Version 2.0.

Even in his unconscious state, a series of system messages and alerts resonated in David\'s ears, their melodic tones accompanied by the soothing voice of an AI, marking the progress of the upgrade.

[Upgrade Complete]

[Version 2.0 Installed]

[Upgrade for "LustLocator" Completed]

[Embrace the Power of Version 2.0]

While David remained unconscious and unaware of his surroundings, the system continued to generate a stream of alerts and notifications, indicating the ongoing updates and advancements in his abilities and skills.


[ Poison Immunity Received ]

You have received immunity to 1000 different poisons.

[ Swordsmanship Mastery ]

You have received the legendary rank in swordsmanship.

[ Weapon Mastery ]

You have received the ability to wield all weapons with legendary expertise.

[ Archmage Power ]

You have received the power of an archmage, capable of harnessing all elements along with Heal.

[ Legendary Blacksmith ]

You have received the legendary status as a weapon forger.

[ Legendary Alchemist ]

You have received legendary skills as an alchemist.

[ Shadow Mastery ]

You have received mastery over shadows, granting you unparalleled stealth and manipulation abilities.


With the constant buzz of messages and the echoing AI voice slowly fading in his head, David began to regain consciousness. Opening his eyes, he squinted against the radiant sunlight.

As his vision adjusted, he was startled to hear eerie drum beats, offbeat and discordant, as if played on a damaged drum made from unfamiliar materials.

Feeling the heat on his back, David exclaimed, "What the fuck is going on?"

Turning his head, he witnessed a scene that would forever be etched in his memory.

He found himself tied to a branch, completely naked, suspended over a crackling fire as if he were being barbecued. His hands remained bound to the dried wood, and his gaze fell upon a group of unfamiliar creatures.

These creatures were entirely green, from head to toe. They possessed elongated eyes, wide noses, and pointed elf-like ears, complemented by wide mouths. Clad in makeshift garments made from dried leaves.

They brandished wooden spoons and beat-up drums, creating a cacophony of wild and loud rhythms. It dawned on him that the eerie drumming he had heard earlier was produced by these very creatures.

As panic coursed through him, David cried out, "What are these creatures, and why am I tied up like this?"

His voice echoed, but the green creatures continued their frenzied dance. In the center of the gathering, seated atop a rock, loomed a colossal monster—the apparent leader of these dancing creatures.

It was evident that they were gathering food for some sort of nocturnal feast, with David unwittingly serving as the main course.

Fixing his gaze on the boss-like figure, taller and more robust than the rest, David noticed the creature wielding a massive wooden weapon resembling a round-headed baseball bat, serving him as a means of killing weapon.

"Untie me you fucking bastards" David shouted to the creatures.

As the flames intensified, David couldn\'t help but shout, "Fuckkkk, I\'m going to end up as a roasted meal!"

He frantically attempted to free himself from the ropes that bound him. Struggling against his restraints, he realized that his hands were tightly secured in a crossed position.

Determined, he summoned all his strength and exerted a tremendous force, only to witness the wood and rope crumble before him with a single powerful motion.

Astonished, David shouted, "Eh!" in disbelief at his newfound strength.


"Eh," creatures got shocked seeing David free from the branch.

As soon as David broke free, the creatures that had been dancing earlier abruptly halted their movements. Their attention shifted to him, and they promptly grasped their weapons.

Meanwhile, the boss-like figure remained unmoved, seemingly content to let his minions handle the situation.

"Show description for these Bastards" David shouted asking for the system to show more details.

"When did Earth have these kinds of creatures" David muttered unaware of his current location.

Anxious to understand the identity of these creatures, David urgently consulted the system for information. In an instant, a golden-colored status screen appeared before his eyes, indicating the upgrade to version 2.0. Eagerly, he began to read the description.


Monster: Goblins

[Description: Goblin]

Small, green-skinned humanoid with pointed ears, beady eyes, and snubbed nose. Mottled, rough skin. Wears tattered rags or patched leather. Cunning and mischievous. Attacks with rusty daggers, chipped swords, and makeshift bows.

[End of Description]


"What, these are Goblins?" David exclaimed in surprise.

He had only seen creatures like them in games and comics. He turned to the system and asked if he was dreaming, but the system replied

[ No, you have currently transmigrated to another world called \'Fantasia\'. ]

Confused and panicking, David realized that when the Goddess of Sex hinted that he would learn when the time comes, she was referring to this situation.

"How Can I go back to Earth Now?"

He wondered how he was supposed to return to Earth now. Filled with anxiety, David urgently asked the system for more details.

The system responded with a simple message ignoring his question.

[ First, deal with the monsters ]

"What kind of shitty system is this, that doesn\'t even provide information," he scoffed in frustration. "Now tell me, how should I kill these creatures?"

[ System message: You can use your swordsmanship or magical abilities to deal with them. You can use the blessings you have received ]

As David muttered, "I don\'t know how," before he could even complete the sentence, something suddenly happened.

He felt a surge of knowledge being transferred into his mind as if he had been training and becoming stronger for millennia.

David instinctively grabbed the stick he found on the ground, and with a simple slash, unleashed a powerful attack filled with sword aura.


"Screeeechhhh" Goblins howled in fear.

The impact of his attack created a straight-line blast, obliterating the goblins in a single strike. The boss monster didn\'t even have a chance to lift its weapon before it was killed, green blood splattered all over the ground.

The powerful strike continued, cutting through the ground and causing massive destruction in its path, extending up to a mile.

"What just happened?" David shouted, astonished by the tremendous damage he had unleashed with a simple stick.

"Am I this overpowered? Or do all the people in this world possess such earth-shattering power?" David found himself bewildered by this unique power.

As he looked at the aftermath of his attack, he couldn\'t help but wonder about the true nature of his newfound abilities.

These goblins appeared as if they had been squashed like a mosquito, with blood splattered everywhere, making it impossible to discern their identity.

"I should be careful with these attacks," he mumbled, glancing at the wreckage he had caused.

"I need to leave this place before someone finds me," David muttered, glancing down at his naked body his dick feeling cold being naked for quite a while.

Realizing his predicament, he quickly requested, "System, give me some clothes."

To his surprise, a sudden wave of magic enveloped him, transforming him into a stylish ensemble. The clothes were a blend of white, blue, and gold, adorned with intricate borders.

David\'s clothing radiated elegance and power. It was mostly white, representing purity and grace, and had detailed blue and gold designs. The borders displayed meticulous craftsmanship and featured enchanting motifs that seemed to sparkle in the light. 

On top of the white attire, there was a small symbol embroidered, representing the intertwining concepts of Kill & Have Sex.

"When did my hair get so long?" David exclaimed, noticing the sudden change. He observed his once-flowing locks neatly tied up into a stylish ponytail.

"Is this purely for aesthetics?" David wondered, his gaze shifting between his fashionable attire and transformed appearance.

"This is perfect!" David exclaimed, admiring his new attire. It was unlike anything he had ever seen on Earth.

With a sense of urgency, he wondered aloud, "Now, where should I go?"

He wanted to depart from this place swiftly, before drawing any unwanted attention. Just then, a map materialized in front of his eyes, courtesy of the system. It revealed a nearby town he could head towards.

As he ventured forth in his fresh attire, David embarked on a journey toward the designated location marked on his map. With each step he took, he found himself delving deeper into the unknown.

However, just as he was making progress, a sudden system alert materialized before his eyes, presenting him with a new quest. As he skimmed through the message, a mixture of disbelief and astonishment swept over him.

"No fucking Way".

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