System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 30 Trying New Skill (Part 2)

David\'s heart raced with excitement as he noticed the new girl entering the café. He had been exploring the Status Analyzer skill on various people from the cafe, and now he saw an opportunity to use it on this girl. With a sip of his hot chocolate, he observed her from the corner of his eye.

The girl, around 19 years old, scanned the café for an available seat. Disappointed by the lack of empty chairs, she approached David\'s table.

Standing before him, she politely asked, "Hi, can I sit here?" David\'s gaze met hers as he took in her appearance.

He greeted her with a friendly smile and said, "Of course, feel free to sit here." as he continued to observe her.

She stood at a height of 5\'5" with brownish hair and captivating brown eyes. Her fair complexion added to her beauty. She wore a white crop top that revealed her toned stomach and exposed her navel.

From his angle, David caught a glimpse of her white bra layered beneath her crop top. His eyes traveled down to her cuffed white jeans, cinched with a belt. Her sandals completed the casual yet stylish look. He noticed her perfectly manicured fingers adorned with red nail polish.

As she quickly settled into the empty chair facing David, she placed her bag on the next available seat.

David\'s mind raced with possibilities. He contemplated striking up a conversation, but he was also eager to learn more about her through the Status Analyzer skill.

David\'s eyes fixated on the girl, captivated by her beauty. He couldn\'t help but compare her to his previous encounters.

"Men will do anything to bone her" thought David.

In his mind, he imagined that boys would be lining up just to have a chance with her. With her stunning appearance, he assumed she must be at an intermediate or advanced level based on her looks.

Glancing in her direction, David noticed that she was engrossed in her phone. Her attention seemed absorbed by whatever she was viewing or scrolling through. He couldn\'t help but wonder what had caught her interest and what conversations or connections she might be engaged in.

David\'s mind raced with curiosity as he contemplated using the status analyzer on the girl sitting next to him.

Carefully following the steps in his mind, he softly murmured, "Show status."

In an instant, a vibrant pink-colored status screen materialized above her head, unveiling her hidden details.

As David\'s eyes scanned the screen, his expression transformed into one of shock and surprise. The information displayed on the status screen revealed something unexpected, leaving him momentarily speechless. His mind raced to process the implications of what he had just discovered about her.


[Status Window]

Name: Sophia

Age: 19

Relationship Status: Single

Sex Status: Virgin

Sexual Partner Preference: Male

Current Mood: Calm

Masturbation Status: 1 Day ago

Last Sex: None

Number of Times: None

Check Videos: Available


As David\'s eyes scanned Sophia\'s status, his face twisted in shock upon seeing the word "Virgin."

Thoughts raced through his mind, "She\'s a virgin? What the fuck? Is this skill even working correctly?" Doubts clouded his perception of the skill\'s reliability.

His attention was soon drawn to the "Check Videos" section, catching his curious gaze. In a low murmur, he uttered, "Show video."

In an instant, a single video option materialized before him, tempting his curiosity further. Thoughts of "Play video" silently echoed in his mind as he couldn\'t resist the temptation.

The video unfolded, revealing Sophia in the comfort of her pink-hued room. Her laptop emitted a faint glow from the bed, where a porn video played discreetly in the background.

To David\'s surprise, Sophia stood there, fully exposed to her small tender boobs and pink pussy and she was engaged in masturbating, her hand grasping a pink vibrating dildo.

The video played for a brief duration of around 2.30 minutes, but David hastily stopped it, his growing arousal alerting him to the need for restraint.

As David\'s eyes landed on Sophia\'s virgin status, a surge of excitement coursed through his veins. His heart pounded in his chest, fueled by the desire to be her first. The thought of exploring the delicate pink pussy between her legs consumed his mind.

With a quick, confident glance at his own reflection, David reveled in the transformation his altered body had undergone. He knew he possessed the appearance that would make any woman\'s heart flutter.

The enhancements were designed precisely for situations like this, where he could become the embodiment of every woman\'s ideal man.

However, despite his newfound confidence, the fear of direct communication held him back. Minutes had ticked by since Sophia had taken her seat, and David\'s hot chocolate was nearly finished.

He anxiously scanned the room, hoping for a system quest or scenario to guide his actions. Yet, as time passed, his patience waned, and doubts crept into his mind. Could Sophia be trapped in a similar situation as Tanya, where the system had failed to provide the necessary interactions?

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