Aether Beasts

Chapter 195

There was also the fact that she had a vampire\'s constitution, and well ever since becoming a vampire she had become somewhat nocturnal, and her body simply knew when it was night. Her beast tended to get more active, though her control over it was far better than it had ever been and it didn\'t cause any problems, at least not in normal situations.

The entire time she had been trying to fall asleep, her mind had gone back to her conversion with Vita. Zirani had told her that it was a good idea and that as long as she didn\'t allow herself to get caught up in anything then it would be good, and well, she wasn\'t worried about getting attacked. She knew Aiden and the others would come running the moment they felt pain through the bond, and Vita had seemed genuinely friendly and nice. Misty was good at reading people, and nothing about Vita had seemed fake, which was one of the things that made her odd. She believed her own words and views.

It also didn\'t help that she had felt Aiden\'s pleasure through their bond around half an hour ago and knew he had been with Zirani and now also Sandra. She thought about joining them, but in the end, decided to leave them to it, and after one last sigh, she got up out of bed and decided to talk for a walk, and see if there was anything to do, in fact, if the Vita and her sisters were like her, then maybe now would be a good time to speak to them.

The green court area was actually not as quiet as she expected, and she realized that she probably shouldn\'t have expected it to be. There probably didn\'t need that much sleep either. The guards nodded to her as she passed, and she ducked behind the corner of a building when she spotted Rall speaking with Garth. The last thing she needed was that annoyance following her, and getting on her nerves.

The area was lit up with light that made it seem like day and not night. They weren\'t simple orbs, but more complex lights. She might have spent more time studying them if, at that moment, Shana didn\'t come into view.

"Oh, Misty." The dryad walked over. "Is everything well, you left in a rush earlier."

Misty smiled. She liked Shana. The dryad was a kind, caring, and all-around nice person to be around even if she had her quirks when it came to Aiden. She didn\'t really care about that as she knew Aiden wouldn\'t do anything with any other women without their permission. No amount of lust could get him to betray his lovers, and she loved that about him. She actually probably wouldn\'t mind allowing him and the dryad to spend some time together, though more like a fling than anything else.

Sex was great, amazing in fact, and something she enjoyed very much, but it wasn\'t what tied her and Aiden together. It was their love and care for each other, and yes there was no way she would ever sleep what another man, it simply never came to mind. She knew it was hypocritical in a way, but didn\'t really care, nor did she think on it too much. Aiden was all she needed

"Do you want to come with me? I\'m about to go out and see the city," Shana said.

Misty shrugged." Sure, though it\'s night so it won\'t be as lively, and well, don\'t expect much. Nothing here in the plains will compare to anything you have."

"I know," Shana said. "But I do want to explore one part of the plains, even if it\'s just so I can say I did."

The two of them left the green court area and decided to let two guards follow them as escorts simply because it would dissuade anyone who wanted to cause problems or approach them because of their looks. Shana was a dryad, but she still just looked like a very attractive human currently, though apparently, she could change her skin tone to a shade of green.

They got a lot of looks, and almost everyone stayed far out of their way, but Misty still enjoyed the time with Shana as the dryad remained positive even when people started and pointed.

When asked about it, Shana just shrugged. "That crowd from before was much worse than this, and it\'s not that bad if I just ignore it."

"I guess so."

"Misty are you from here?" Shana asked.

"Hm, oh, no, I\'m from a small town far from here," Misty answered. "It\'s called West Vale, a very cozy and peaceful place."

"Oh. Erm, if it\'s not too personal, how did you become a vampire?" Shana asked nervously. "I mean, it\'s just that I heard it wasn\'t possible for the change to occur in the plains due to the quality of the aether, and other problems."

"I can tell you how I became as I am now," Misty said. "But it isn\'t how you\'re thinking. I stumbled upon an item that I accidentally activated, I think and well, I blacked out, and when I next woke up, I was a vampire. I was lucky enough to run into Zirani a few days later, and she and the others helped me get through the first few weeks, and the change overall."

"So it wasn\'t through a bite?"

Misty shook her head. "No, just an item."

"Interesting," Shana mused. "Well, whatever it was, you\'re the nicest vampire I\'ve ever met, although I haven\'t met many. I actually had never left my home before all this."

"How did you get to be on the expedition?"

"There were looking for people to go, and I decided it might be fun." She shook her head. "It\'s not been, at least not until now. Now all my sisters and friends back home are going to be so jealous when they hear I was there when the princess returned and traveled with her."

"She\'s a big deal, huh?"

Shana nodded emphatically. "Oh very. A lot changed after her death, for the better, but her loss caused a great sadness, especially for us dryads. You know, she actually trained my mother for a bit when she visited our grove, and she was always making sure we were all safe. She made sure all races and the lands and people of the court were safe. She was a protector and a vigilant guard for our lands, someone worthy of her titles. I think a lot of people thought her death would leave us weak, but it did the opposite."

It was interesting to hear Zirani talked about in such a way. She simply thought of Zirani as an older sister, a very close friend who had helped her a lot.

"Your very lucky," Shana said. "To be friends with her."

Misty nodded. "I know. She\'s helped me a lot. I wouldn\'t be here if not for her and Aiden."

"Are he and the princess…" Shana\'s words trailed off as she blushed cutely.

"Yes," Misty said with a chuckle. "So am I and Sandra."

"You\'re sister wives then?" Shana asked.

"Not wives," she replied. Not yet at least. It was odd that she didn\'t feel overwhelmed by the term. They were already sort of married, and their bond made them especially close. They had only known each other for a few months, yet that time had tied them together so closely.

They spent time in all major parts of the city, though mostly the night market and it was funny watching the expressions on the shot keepers\' faces when they stopped to browse their wares, and even funnier when Shana paid in currency from the plains, which were crystals coins that were far greater than the normal crystals of the plains. Shana never paid more than one of the smallest of the coins she had, but Misty knew enough to know that for the people of the plains, those crystals coins were small fortunes, and soon people started trying to get their attention rather than staying back and watching.

The guards made sure no one got close, and Shana prove to be a very kind and sympathetic person, as whenever they passed a beggar to someone who looked in need, she handed them money.

"We give a lot of charity to the plains," Shana said. "But I don\'t see any of it here."

She frowned and for the first time, Misty saw genuine anger in her gaze. "I need to speak with lady Aeverie. If it\'s not being properly handed out or given as charity then that\'s a problem."

"The rich and wealthy probably just take it and sell it for profit or keep it for themselves," Misty said.

"Then I definitely need to speak with lady Aeverie to fix that before we leave," Shana replied.

Eventually, after stopping for a quick lunch break, they headed back to the green court rea. The food hadn\'t been bad but compared to what she\'d had early and what Shana was probably used to, it just didn\'t hit, though that didn\'t stop Shana from being generous. Misty had found it endearing that Shana had finished and complemented the food, and tipped the restaurant, even though she hadn\'t really liked it.

\'I\'ll be happy if we meet more people like Shana,\' Misty thought to herself with a smile.

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